Remember eating brussels sprouts as a kid – yeah, me either! I hated them. Most likely because my mom bought the frozen ones and would just steam them in some water. I’m pretty sure if that’s how people would prepare them, I still would not be eating them.
But no one making brussels sprouts like that anymore (well, my mom probably is). People are sauteing, roasting, shaving into salads, topping pizzas… you can pretty much find them anywhere. And now I love them!
I especially love these almond and pecorino brussels sprouts. They are sauteed in a pan with a little butter and garlic (yes!) until they turn a golden brown and start to caramelize (hell yeah!). To finish, transfer them to a plate, give a squeeze of fresh lemon and top them with chopped almonds and chunks of pecorino cheese (okay- where’s my fork!).
Um yeah, that’s it! And they are amazing!
These almond and pecorino brussels sprouts are the perfect side to any meal, but could also be topped with a little chicken or fish and become the meal in itself. I love that these brussels sprouts were super quick and didn’t require a lot of my attention, but were still packed with tons of flavor. And those colors – like fall on your plate!
almond and pecorino brussels sprouts
- In a large saute pan over medium heat, melt butter and add garlic.
- Saute garlic until fragrant, about 3 minutes.
- Add the brussels sprouts cut side down and cook until brussels sprouts begin to caramelize and become soft. About 10 minutes, stirring occassionally but try to keep the cut side down as much as possible. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
- When the brussels sprouts are finished, transfer to a serve plate and squeeze fresh lemon juice over top.
- Finish by topping with toasted almond and pecorino cheese. Serve immediately.