Crispy {Coconut} Crêpes

Crispy {Coconut} Crêpes
I remember the first time I came home and told my parents I could make us all crêpes for breakfast. I had made them in my middle school Home Ec class and was determined I could show them how good of a cook I was.

I think that’s when the jokes first started. I was definitely the odd one out growing up. When it came to the kitchen I mean. Honestly I think it was due to the mess I made while cooking and baking more than anything else! I would take my time and there would be flour, sugar and dishes everywhere. You can imagine how thrilled my mom probably was when she walked into the kitchen. Let’s just say, from that point on it was rare to find me helping out with the cooking.

Unless it was our annual jam making day. Which in reality lasted much longer than a day as we would make it to last the entire year. Literally. My dad has a PB&J every single day for lunch, so that’s a lot of jam.

But that’s a story for another day. We’re here to talk about crepes. Which I love. Every since that first time in middle school. You can fill crepes with pretty much anything you want, which is probably why I like them so much. My first choice is to make them for breakfast, but I’m known to go for a little Nutella and strawberries for a sweet treat as well 😉

If you’re still looking for something fun and different to make your sweetie on Valentine’s Day, I definitely recommend these crêpes. With your filling of choice, there’s no way you can go wrong!

2 tbs. coconut flour

1 tbs. ground flaxseed

1 egg

1/2 c. almond milk

dash of cinnamon

dash of vanilla


Mix all ingredients well while heating a large frying pan on medium.  Spray the pan thoroughly then pour on a thin layer of the batter and reduce to medium-low.  I usually continue to “swirl” the pan around to move the batter into a thin single layer.


Cook until the edges begin to turn up and you can move the crêpe around freely when moving the pan.  Flip and cook for a few seconds longer.  Repeat with remaining batter.  Fill with desired ingredients and enjoy!

Photo Nov 10, 2 52 26 PM

Crêpes have a bad rap for being difficult to make because they are so thin and usually quite large. But don’t be intimidated at all – with this recipe, they seemed so much easier! Plus, something this delicious is definitely worth the extra effort!

Crispy {Coconut} Crepes

A gluten- and grain-free, paleo breakfast or dessert! Made with coconut flour, there is almost a decadence to them you wouldn’t taste otherwise!


  1. Mix all ingredients well while heating a large frying pan on medium. Spray the pan thoroughly then pour on a thin layer of the batter and reduce to medium-low. Continue to “swirl” the pan around to move the batter into a thin single layer.
  2. Cook until the edges begin to turn up and you can move the crepe around freely when moving the pan. Flip and cook for a few seconds longer.
  3. Repeat with remaining batter.
  4. Fill with desired ingredients and enjoy!

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Eva Rosenberg

Eva Rosenberg

Welcome to Eva's Kitchen where I share my adventures in cooking. My creations may not always turn out Pinterest perfect, but I usually end up with a funny picture or an interesting meal. Thanks for stopping by!


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