Fish In Tangy Sauce

Fish In Tangy Sauce
On of the most inspiring and enlighten episodes on Oprah was the interview with Stephanie Meyer, the author of The Twilight novels. It is not because I am the Twilight series fan or the hardcore vampire novel interest, but I am lovingly admiring her success as a writer, something I should be able to call myself someday. I have never read her novel. I barely read something that already sum up with beautiful visuals and sounds in the movies.

Her relationship with her novels fascinated me. It was so powerful and inspiring. Her bestsellers novels were products of a mere dream. One night she dreamed about a beautiful scene of two people in the forest having a conversation, one of them was a vampire. From there, it made her write and dwell in the beautiful fantasy within her head.

It hit me! I dreamed all the time! Sometimes the most beautiful thing that could perfectly be a plot of good novel! I swear, one night I dreamed the entire story till the end with the last rolling credits and everything! I even woke my sleepy husband up to listen to my story from 5 am until he was off to office.

So later that day, after being inspired by the famous writer and her technique, I set of to a smooth sleep for a deep beautiful, meaningful, creative, inspiring, captive and blockbustering successful dream. And there it was….. I shook my head up the pillow floating on my fluffy lavender scented bed… “Oh Man! What am I suppose to do with that!” I exhaled.

That night I dreamed a perfect scene of my usual kitchen. It was late morning and the sun intruded my green marble counter. There were 2 fish on the cutting board. They were fresh with the glistening scales, fins, gills and sparked eyes. The two fish were having a CONVERSATION! (In reality I would freak out, but in the dream it seemed ok) One said “Does this fabulous green coriander looks good on me?” the other one rolled his eyes, replied “You might wanna try tomato. It brings out the color of your eyes!” As freaky as it sounded, I tried to make some senses out of it. I guess nobody would be interesting to read soon to be cooked fish’s sarcasm as much as I want to write about it. I guess not everybody is equipped with the million dollars dream to be a writer.

I couldn’t help amusing myself by cooking fish the next day for lunch. Though I didn’t get the inspiring plot for a novel, I was surely having a good idea for a fish dish.

The earthed sourness of fresh tomato puree parades within the sweetness flesh of the fish. It digs in and brings out the perfect contrast of right and wrong brooded in hot trail of spices. The glossy, thick sauce bounces off warm sunlight that curves the shadows of steams fuming the air. I could bring myself to believe that I haven’t wasted a dream. It might not become a chapter of the famous novel, but maybe one day, a page or a recipe in my very own cookbook.

Fish in Tangy  Sauce

Ingredients: (4 servings)

500 gm fish (used any kind of fish)- cleaned and sliced

1 red bell pepper- diced

3 large tomato- pureed

1 large onion-sliced

5 cloves garlic- finely minced

1 tbsp finely minced ginger

1 tsp chili powder

1/2 tsp cumin powder

1/2 tsp turmeric powder

1 tsp salt or to taste

Few fresh coriander- finely chopped

1 tbsp oil


  1. Heat oil in the large pan over the medium heat and sauté onion until translucent.
  2. Add garlic and ginger and stir until fragrant.
  3. Add red bell peppers and stir for 1 minute.
  4. Add tomato and cook further for 5 minutes or until tomato is cooked.
  5. Add chili powder, turmeric powder, cumin powder and salt. Stir for a minute or so or until aromatic.
  6. Add about 1 cup of water and bring to boil.
  7. Add fish and cook further for a minute. Reduce the heat, cover and cook further for 3-5 minutes or until fish cooked thoroughly.
  8. Serve hot with some rice or hot bread.

The aroma teased our lips while the red sauce tingled our tongues. The soft, white meat couldn’t stand firm any moment longer, but melted and vanished into the zesty sauce. The urban savour silhouetted on the cloud of hot rice, smeared the aggressive senses of taste all over the innocent pure white. Yet, those were perfect bites, even though dominated by tanginess of tomato but so balance and settle.

So I had a good dream after all– the dream that depicted a luscious dish. I do still care to collect my dreams, though I’d rather not care about the stupid ones anymore. It is exciting to see where they will take me in the middle of the nights. Whether they’re horror, romance, comedy, action, or just about food, they’re all mine to keep and share.

Do you ever have an inspiring dream or weird dream about food?


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Eva Rosenberg

Eva Rosenberg

Welcome to Eva's Kitchen where I share my adventures in cooking. My creations may not always turn out Pinterest perfect, but I usually end up with a funny picture or an interesting meal. Thanks for stopping by!


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