My Mum’s Coconut Rice Wins EVERY TIME!
Fact. My mum is an awesome cook. Fact. Her coconut rice never fails to satisfy. NEVER. I’m excited to share this recipe with you!
Ever since I posted the teaser on our IG page, I have been getting a lot of requests for this recipe. Nigerians typically eat coconut rice as a main dish, but the way my lifestyle is setup… I’m calling this a side dish. Because. Carbohydrates. Lots of it. As a small side dish, it’s fantastic with baked salmon, peppered snails (recipe coming soon!) or your favorite protein, and a mix of vegetables. Yes, it can be part of a well-balanced meal!
Did I mention this is a simple one pot dish?! It has just a few ingredients because the coconut flavor speaks for itself, and this is why I love it so much!
If you prep your chicken (or vegetable) stock and blend your red bell peppers ahead of time, this will cook in less than 1 hour! You can get about 4-6 servings out of this recipe, or as part of lunch or dinner throughout the week.
Last note, Mum says you need the thick coconut milk in a can that you can buy from many Asian grocery stores. She says nothing else will do! So substitute with caution. Also, she said to tell you she uses Knorr boullion cube specifically. This recipe calls for 1/2 an onion, chopped, but I use the whole onion, blending the other half with the bell peppers, beacuse I love onions!
Alright, let’s get on with it…
Coconut Rice
Quick and easy coconut rice dish, that’s great as a side.
- Chop onions as desired and set aside. In a 4-quart pot, thoroughly wash rice with lukewarm water until water runs clear-4-5 times.
- Add chopped onions and all other listed ingredients in the pot, seasoning with sea salt and pepper as desired.
- Bring pot to boil on stove top and then simmer for about 20 mins. Check halfway through, if liquid is drying out faster than it cooks; add a little more stock as needed, till cooked. Careful to not overcook.
- When rice is cooked, remove from heat and let cool 5 minutes, then fluff with a fork.
Prep ahead: Make chicken or vegetable stock ahead (or low-sodium stock). Blend large red bell peppers. Both items can be stocked in the fridge or freezer- thaw before using.
Yup! That’s all.
Bon appétit!