A to Z Challenge (Letter W): Whipped
I recently made some vegan cupcakes and couldn’t rightfully stick buttercream frosting on them. Luckily… a member of my family is lactose intolerant (maybe not for them) and every year at Thanksgiving we’re kindly requested to forgo dairy.
And then I offer to make dessert. Oi.
I have so far FAILED miserably at making whipped coconut cream, and every site I read says “just add tapioca flour” or “you just got a dud can.” No, you’re coconut witches…who keeps tapioca flour on hand? I’ve since ditched efforts on the coconut whipped cream and just opt for coconut whipped frosting instead.
As with many products that try to emulate the “real deal” it’s not quite the same. However, if you take it for itself, it’s fine. Its final texture is similar to whipped butter.
Whipped Coconut Frosting
Special Ingredients: (refrigerated) coconut milk
Special Tools: hand blender
Note: You’ll need to start this the day before by placing your coconut milk in the refrigerator.
In a bowl, beat with a hand mixer until fluffy (3-5 mins):
- 1/2 cup of vegetable shortening (1 stick)
Once fluffy, beat in:
- 1 1/2 cups powdered sugar (1/2 cup at a time)
Then beat in:
- 1/2 tsp pure extract of your choice
(I used vanilla, but consider lemon, almond, cardamom, maple)
Then beat in
- 1/2 cup coconut milk solid
Side note: if you didn’t chill your canned coconut and it is just the mixed milk still, start with 1/4 cup and increase up to a 1/2 cup. Too much liquid can turn this into sludge, the coconut acts to smooth the frosting.
Taste and adjust sugar or extract as per your taste, or as will best compliment the recipe.
Note: as this frosting chills, it becomes quite hard. It can be “re-whipped” if you need to apply it, but had to chill it beforehand.
Other ideas: When it’s nice and fluffy, mix in finely diced strawberries and shove into your decorated swiss roll. What would you do with your dairy-free frosting?