My mom considers using instant paste to be lazy and cheating. She loves pounding herbs in the mortar one by one to slowing blend and develops the amazing mixture, so her curry is the best in the world.

I add the recipe of green curry paste here, so anyone who can get their hands on the ingredients can experiment on the recipe and enjoy the delightful out come. Homemade fresh curry paste is always the best… no question about that, but for those of us who live in the foreign land could only find the curry paste in the packages.
Thai Green Chicken Curry
Ingredients: (4 servings)
500 gm chicken- cut into medium pieces
2 tbsp Thai green curry paste
2 cup coconut milk
1 cup coconut cream
1/2 tsp sugar
2 tsp fish sauce or to taste
Few fresh basil
1 tbsp oil
How to cook:
Heat oil in the medium pot over the medium heat.
Add the paste and stir fry for few minutes or until the oil separate from the paste.
Add chicken and stir in the paste for few minutes.
Add coconut milk and bring to boil. Simmer for 15-20 minutes or until the chicken is cooked and tender.
Add coconut cream, fish sauce and sugar to taste.
Cook further for a little while but do not let the curry boil.
Throw in some fresh basil just before serving.
Serve hot with rice or rice noodle.
Add dried or fresh kafir lime leaves and Thai wild ginger makes the curry more aromatic and help flavouring the curry.
Eggplants adds wonderful texture and nutrition to the curry, many people throw in some eggplant in the curry to add more veggies in their diet.
For vegan, use soy proteins, tofu and eggplants as substitute to chicken.

I served omelet and toast for breakfast while the curry was simmering way in kitchen. My husband said “I thought we are going to eat that whatever is smelling for breakfast” and smiled. I told him it was for lunch 🙂 I know… cooking is really an art of seduction! The curry turned out to be very creamy and mild. The chicken was tender. Everybody was happy