Corn Milk

Corn Milk
Years ago, when corn milk was introduced in Thailand and we the consumers were told that it was not only healthy but supposedly to make us look good. The lady who sold me the bottles of cold corn milk freshly made every morning swore it would make my skin glow, my hair shine, and my stomach clean. I forgot to take notes on any positive changes in my body, but fresh corn milk tasted delightful.

Corn milk is a raw extraction of juice in fresh sweet corn kernels with little water. It is an earthy, healthy drink served chill without any sugar or anything else. Raw corn milk was extensively advertised in Thailand during 1998 to be a nutritious drink with the prominent benefits of rejuvenating skin cells and antioxidant ability.

Raw corn milk is rich in Vitamin C that helps promoting the development of collagen. It also contains a good amount of natural carbohydrate making corn milk an energizing beverage.

Corn milk is mildly sweet, light, and refreshing.

My son preferred cooked corn milk rather than the raw one. The heat destroyed the delicate value in raw corn milk, but he thought it was an affordable bargain for what he called “hot corn pudding smoothie”.

Corn Milk

Ingredients (4 servings)

3 large fresh corn cobs (prefer organic and pesticide-free)

3 cups drinking water


Remove corn kernels off the cobs with sharp knife. Blend corn kernels with water in food processer until smooth and strain through the fine sieve. Serve chill immediately or refrigerate for 1-2 days.

*** Cooking raw corn milk cause decreasing in nutritional value. If you still prefer to do so, cook corn milk over the medium-low heat and stir continuously to prevent from burning. When it starts boiling, remove from the heat. This process will give thicken warm corn milk.

The fainted sweetness in raw corn milk was so beautiful and gentle. It was so fresh and earthy, drinking this made me felt like I did something right to my body.
My son loved the comforting and warm version of corn milk. The heat transformed the light silky fresh milk to the thick cream sauce. It was so consoling and rich.

Have you ever tried corn milk?

Have a lovely day,

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Eva Rosenberg

Eva Rosenberg

Welcome to Eva's Kitchen where I share my adventures in cooking. My creations may not always turn out Pinterest perfect, but I usually end up with a funny picture or an interesting meal. Thanks for stopping by!


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