Last week, I was craving Heuvos Rancheros for breakfast, but I didn’t feel like fooling with tortillas. Yes, I make them from scratch when I’m feeling froggy. I was thinking doing eggs & beans, which we’ve done in the past & liked. I was considering hashbrown potatoes, when it dawned on me that hashbrowns as the base of Heuvos Rancheros would be MAGNIFICENT!
Of course, I didn’t feel like shredding, dunking, draining & drying potatoes either. *le sigh* What’s a gal to do? CHOP THEM! Yeah, now we’re talking! The peanut gallery said YES! 9-11 stars depending on the kiddo out of 10.
I’m not sure how that works either.
Yeah, they’re hometeached.

Huevos Ranch-tatoes
*This recipe is based off how many you’re feeding. Only 2? Works perfectly. 102? Still works perfectly. You choose the amount of ingredients.
2-4 Tbs coconut oil or butter, depending on the size pan you’re using, plus 1 Tbs per person
1 small-medium potato per person
1/2 cup cooked black beans per person
1 – 2 eggs per person
1 Tbs chopped fresh cilantro per person
Stock of choice, about 2 Tbs per serving of beans
Garlic powder & onion powder or use fresh, to taste
Salt & pepper to taste
Kelp granules (optional)
Lacto-fermented salsa (optional)
Cheese, sour cream, hot sauce, etc. (optional)
Set your oven to broil (high if you have the settings). In a saucepan, combine your stock & black beans. Set them to medium & bring to a boil, then reduce heat to simmer. While you’re waiting for the beans & stock to come to a boil, peel & chop your potatoes. Using a cast iron pan (or other heavy pan that is stove to oven safe), melt & heat your 2-4 Tbs coconut oil. Add potatoes & toss them to coat with oil. Sprinkle your salt, pepper, garlic & onion powders & kelp on the potatoes. If you’re using the fresh versions of garlic &/or onion, add those to the pan now. Stir again to coat the potatoes with the spices.
Pop the whole pan of potatoes in the middle of your oven, under the broiler. Set your timer for 5 minutes & stir the beans. You can also chop the cilantro at this point. After 5 minutes, stir the potatoes, & put them back under the broiler. Stir every 5 minutes until the potatoes are tender &/or browned. We like them browned & crispy. Near the end of cooking your potatoes, begin frying your eggs in the remaining coconut oil. I use a small pan & do single serving eggs, then serve as they come up. If you have a large pan & prefer, you can cook all of your eggs at once.
Spoon your cooked potatoes onto a plate. Spoon your beans over the potatoes, followed with your fried egg(s). Sprinkle cilantro all over your dish. Serve with a little lacto-fermented salsa on the side & topped with toppings of choice.