I borrowed this recipe and I decided not to change anything because it’s so delicious. Sometimes I add spices for a little extra flavor. It depends on what I’m sticking in the tortillas. Sometimes I’ll add some cumin, cinnamon, chili powder it all depends on the accoutrements. Today I’m just showing you how to make your basic homemade flour tortilla and you can get creative from here.
Start by having all your ingredients measured out. If you’re going to make your tortillas right away also start warming up your skillet. I like to cook mine on medium to medium-high heat. You’ll want a nice hot skillet to put your tortilla into.
Mix together your flour and salt. If you want to add spices do it at this point as well.
Now add the wet ingredients. Olive oil and water in you go. I like to use a warmer water not hot but not cold.
Mix slowly by folding in all your ingredients.
It will seem like you don’t have enough liquid but just keep folding it will come together. At this point I usually ditch the spatula and just use my hands. Once it gets to this point knead the dough about a dozen times.
Form into a disc and score into 8 equal sections. This amount of dough will give you 8, 7-8 inch tortillas.
Roll each section out on a lightly flour surface until they’re very thin. I like to use my silpat
as a base because it helps my dough hold the shape.
In your hot skillet add a drop of olive oil and carefully place your tortilla in the pan. Swirl it around and let it cook for 1-2 mins until you start to see those brown spots.
I usually know its ready to slip with it starts to bubble like the picture below.
Flip and cook the other side for 1-2 minutes. Arn’t those brown spots gorgeous?!
While one of the tortillas is cooking I roll and prepare another. You may not be able to do this at first it takes some practice to not burn your tortilla.
Arn’t they beautiful?
The most delicious tortilla you’ll ever eat yum! I stuffed mine with butternut squash and beans!