Okay guys, this is my first post/attempt at getting back into the swing of things.
I’ve kind of stopped baking, stopped cooking now that it’s just me. To catch you up to speed…the demise of a 7 year relationship, still living together, negativity piled on top of negativity, petty bullshit being thrown in your face, you feel like you don’t even know the person anymore, realizing you probably never even did, coming to terms with the fact that you have to come to terms with that fact…LIFE. I realized it’s hard making food for one person, and I’m not very good at it. But life is all about learning, and thank goodness for granola. I know I always say each granola is my new favorite granola, but seriously, for real this time guys.
2 1/2 cups oats (old fashion)
1 cup buckwheat
2 tbsp ground flax
1/4 cup sunflower seeds
1/2 cup walnuts
1/2 cup water
1/4 cup blackberry jam
1/2 tsp pepper
1/4 tsp salt
2 tbsp olive oil
300°, 1 hour
Preheat oven 300°.
You can find buckwheat in the bulk aisle at Whole Foods or similar places, it’ll be marked as Kasha or roasted buckwheat and is delicious as is.

Add all your dry ingredients to a bowl. The ground flax is used as a binder to help hold the buckwheat to the oats. You can also use flour or ground oats.

Grind your pepper. I think blackberry and pepper are made to go to together, but it’s entirely optional.

Mix all your dry ingredients together.

In a saucepan heat (over low) your blackberry jam (jelly, preserves, whatever), water, and oil. Just enough to fully mix the jam. Pour over your dry ingredients.

Stir until there are no dry oats.

Pour onto baking sheet. Because there’s oil in the mixture I didn’t put oil on the sheet. I didn’t press my granola down because I wanted it more cluster-y, if you want chunks press it down.

Bake at 300° for 1 hour or until granola is hard. Toss gently a little over halfway through.

I eat this as a snack or with my morning greek yogurt, drizzled with some honey. Enjoy.