Perfect Pancakes

Perfect Pancakes

I am a pancake connoisseur. No sarcasm in these words for they are some of the truest ever written. I started with pancake mix because you can’t go wrong with Aunt Jemima! However, it was really aggravating wanting pancakes, having all the ingredients to make said pancakes, but no pancake mix. A few months ago (yes only a few months ago) I decided that I am a big girl and can make pancakes from scratch. I began experimenting for the perfect ratio of flour, baking powder, milk, and egg. Here are my results! Light, sweet, and fluffy pancakes that are pretty darn easy to make. This recipe makes 7-9 medium sized pancakes.


1 1/3 cup of flour

2 tsp baking powder

3/4 cup of milk *

3 tbs of sugar

2 eggs

cooking oil (best is coconut oil)

*I have used almond and regular milk in this recipe. I have not seen a difference in the end result.


**Disclaimer: I have  a kitchen aid mixer and I love it to the moon and back! I can plop all the ingredients in the bowl in no particular order, turn it on, and voila! If you are mixing by hand you should certainly follow a specific order.

Mix milk, eggs, and vanilla together until the mixture if frothy.

In a separate bowl, blend together your dry ingredients.

Slowly mix the dry ingredients into the wet.

You can let the batter rest in the fridge for 15 mins, which creates an even fluffier pancake, or you get right into it!

I used 1/4 measuring cup to spoon batter into an already hot and greased skillet. Medium heat is best but keep and eye and be willing to turn it down lest your pancakes cook too fast.

Wait until you see bubbles forming on your pancakes, then flip them.  When pancakes are the desired color and then they’re done!

I have not added fruit or chocolate chips to the recipe as of yet! If you want banana chocolate chip pancakes, or some other variant, use this recipe as a base. Email or tag us on Instagram with your results! -Tricia

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Eva Rosenberg

Eva Rosenberg

Welcome to Eva's Kitchen where I share my adventures in cooking. My creations may not always turn out Pinterest perfect, but I usually end up with a funny picture or an interesting meal. Thanks for stopping by!


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