Meyer Lemon And Garlic Confit

Meyer Lemon And Garlic Confit

Demonic. That is the
only word I can use to describe the squirrels here in DC. When I still lived in
California, I would see a squirrel every once in a awhile, tail fluffed, doe
eyes, calmly nibbling an acorn or some other found delicacy. I thought they were
cute, even though Carrie Bradshaw thinks they are just “rats, with cuter
outfits”. Well, they have infested DC by the thousands. A secret army plotting
some kind of hostile take over. Sure, they twittered in the cherry blossom tree
outside my bedroom window, and scampered across my roof (keeping me up at all
hours of the night) but they seemed harmless. It wasn’t until fall that I began
to understand their deviance.

Come fall they became manic, eating everything in
sight, knocking over trash cans with their combined herculean strength, and
chewing straight through pumpkins that DC’s school children had carefully
carved. The grounds were covered with fallen tree nuts but those little
gluttons kept gorging themselves until they were twice their normal size, their
coats were luxuriously shiny and
they could barely scurry from porch to porch without the threat of cardiac
arrest. Those devils, fat greedy devils.

Now it is February and
you can’t find even one of the bums. It’s cold and they are HIBERNATING. Why
didn’t I think of that, those lucky little devils! I could have pickled all my
vegetables, preserved so many fruits, hoarded roots and tubers… Well… I can
still confit* a few glorious meyer lemons* and sassy garlic cloves.

: A variety
of lemon that is more yellow and round than a common lemon. The skin is fragrant and
thin. Meyer lemons have a sweeter, less acidic flavor and a more floral
aroma than the more common lemon varieties.

Confit: A term for various kinds of food
that have been immersed in a substance for both flavor and preservation. Most
commonly known for Duck Confit and popular dish from the southern part of

Meyer Lemon and Garlic

1 ½ Cups


3 Meyer Lemons

6 Garlic Cloves

3 Thyme Sprigs

2 Bay Leaves

1 Cup Olive Oil

1 TS Red Pepper Flakes

1 TS Whole Coriander,

1 TS Fennel Seeds,

1 TS Salt

Crush the fennel seeds
and coriander with a mortar and pestle. Toast these in a dry skillet for two
minutes, until fragrant. Add the rest of the spices and the olive oil and turn
the heat down real low.  Half the lemons
and juice, thinly slice the lemons and add the fruit and juice to the oil. Peel
the garlic and add the whole cloves to the pot. Allow to simmer for 15 minutes.
Remove from heat and add the fresh thyme. Allow to cool and then chill for
later use. Confit with keep for three weeks in the refrigerator and brightens
roast chickens like there is no tomorrow.

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Eva Rosenberg

Eva Rosenberg

Welcome to Eva's Kitchen where I share my adventures in cooking. My creations may not always turn out Pinterest perfect, but I usually end up with a funny picture or an interesting meal. Thanks for stopping by!


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