Remember how I wrote about trying to make more sandwiches and avoid spending the $7.15 almost everyday on Devon and Blakely’s macaroni and cheese?
It was a bit easier said then done and I caved multiple times since then with forgetting my sandwiches and letting hunger get the best of my wallet. I felt guilty but a soul has to eat. But I did resolve to figure out how to make this macaroni and cheese on my own. This weekend it was apparent that not only could I make a thick and creamy cheese sauce (from scratch) but I had also come up with the near taste replica of the one that cost me $7.15 every time. My wallet is breathing a sigh of relief.

There’s nothing really fancy about this particular rendition of macaroni and cheese except in the seasoning selection. I’m also a big fan of multiple kinds of cheeses in my macaroni and cheese so there’s that too. I also suppose the choice of wheat pasta makes it a little fancy (does anyone even use actual macaroni pasta for macaroni and cheese very often anymore?). I was surprised at how easily this came together. I remembered my mother putting flour in some gravy she was making on the stove and her saying it helps thicken it. I was only vaguely aware of this tip but I remembered it this weekend and it does work like a dream. The cheese is somewhat fondue-esque and there was no greater joy than pouring the cheese over the cooked pasta and looking at it sit on top for several seconds before seeping between the noodles. It was magical (and provides loads of leftovers).

2 boxes wheat pasta
1 bag of shredded sharp cheese
1 bag of Mexican shredded cheese
1 bag of shredded mozzarella cheese
1/2 c shredded parmesan cheese
3 1/2 c milk
1 c flour
1 stick of butter
2 tablespoons black pepper
1 teaspoon of salt
1 tablespoon coriander
1 tablespoon smoked paprika
1. Cook pasta as shown on package directions and set aside.
2. In separate pot, melt butter stick. Once melted, have stovetop on medium heat as you add in milk stirring until they are just mixed.
3. Add in flour and keep stirring, looking out to make sure flour chunks are being stirred in.
4. Begin adding in cheeses one at a time. Start with one bag and make sure it is fully melted and stirred in well with flour, milk and butter before adding in next round of cheese.
5. Stir in seasonings, keeping an eye on the pot to make sure the cheese sauce is thickening. If still too liquid-like add-in more flour.
6. Keep stirring until cheese is at desired amount of thickness. Another indicator cheese is done is how it bubbles around the edge of the pot. Add seasonings to taste as you go.
7. Take cheese off burner and pour into pot that has pasta in it. Let set for 1 minute and then stir mixture together.
8. Let cool for 10 minutes before eating.