Sometimes, it’s all in the presentation, isn’t it? You can have the most nondescript ingredients, but when you present them in a pleasing manner, their delicious factor gets bumped up. This applies to some leftovers I had – minced chicken which my kids couldn’t finish the night before.
I re-fried them with some oyster sauce, carrots, spring onions and some chilli. Then wrapped everything up in an omelette. Had this with some rice for lunch. Leftovers get finished, tummy is filled 🙂
I hope this post corrects a few erroneous assumptions about me (particularly for my friends):
1. Just because I blog about food does not mean I cook or bake everyday.
– I only blog about the “nicer” stuff that I make. And that’s not on a daily basis. Furthermore, I live in Singapore … come on! Delicious hawker food can be found cheaply in every nook and cranny, 24/7. One can buy a full meal (rice and 3 side dishes) for a mere S$2.50! Certainly you can find me at food centres going, “Ta-pau!” or “Bungkus!” instead of cooking.
2. Just because I blog about food does not mean that I feast on chic eats regularly. For that, you’ll have to look forKenny of Chic Eats, of course 😉
– Yes, my dear friends who have been asking, “So, what did you eat today?” … sorry to burst your bubble. Most days, I eat very simple food, such as “re-packaged” leftovers like this. Heh.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to find out what other leftovers need to be finished up today 🙂