Dover Sole With Peaches & Pecans And A Side Of Gorgonzola Spinach

Dover Sole With Peaches & Pecans And A Side Of Gorgonzola Spinach
I am clearly a strong believer in sugar, flour, chocolate and cheese. I also strongly believe that fruit makes fish better. This is particularly true of white fish, and in the summer. Dover sole is a very thin, flat fish that cooks quickly and has a tendency to fall apart. We made it a few weeks back and it turned to mush, so I was very careful not to let that happen again. I honestly don’t know if I’d buy this variety again–I tend to prefer my fish a bit more toothy and solid, if you know what I mean. However, the topping would be wonderful on tilapia or mahi-mahi or even sea bass. The peaches are sweet and tangy and could probably be eaten just by themselves. So, at the very least, try the peaches–you won’t be disappointed.

Before I let you peruse below, I need to share a story. I went to a new grocery store with my mom the other day to buy some mahi-mahi and crenshaw melon. Ringing up our order, the checker asks, “What’smama?” I look at my mom and at the screen which clearly says mahi-mahi. “You mean mahi-mahi? It’s a fish.” Then he proceeds to ring up with the melon. Moving it towards the bagger, he asks, “How do you cook this?” Again, I look at the screen. It says melon. “Uh, you don’t? It’s a melon…” Don’t worry, we were good. We didn’t laugh until we left the store.

Dover Sole with Peaches & Pecans

(Serves 4)

20 oz sole filets

2 large ripe peaches, peeled & sliced

2 shallots, minced

1/2 cup spring onion, chopped

2 Tbsp. rice wine vinegar

1 lime, juiced

4 tsp. butter

4 Tbsp. chopped pecans, toasted

kosher salt

freshly ground pepper

Spinach & Gorgonzola

(Serves 4)

6-8 cups washed spinach leaves

1/4 cup crumbled gorgonzola

Fish recipe adapted fromhere. If using another fish, adjust quantity for proper serving size.

1. Pecans are a soft nut and easily chopped with a knife. After doing this, place in dry pan on medium heat, moving around constantly. When nuts are toasted, they will be golden and give off a nutty aroma. This takes 3-4 minutes.

2. To peel your peaches, cut them around the middle, twist and pull the halves apart. To remove the pit, hit a few times with your chopping knife. The pit should release much easier this way. Depending on how ripe your peaches are, peeling can be done with a paring knife or peeler, or may just come off easily. Then slice thinly.

3. Pat your fish dry and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Then, spray a large pan with cooking spray (or olive oil, if you so desire) and heat on medium. Cook fish for about a minute on one side, and then carefully flip. Cook for another 1-3 minutes, depending on how thin it is, until opaque. Remove and cover.

4. When fish is cooked, add butter to pan along with shallots. Use spatula and butter to scrap all that good flavoring off of the sides. Cook until shallots are soft and transparent.

5. Add peaches along with any juice in the bowl. Turn up heat and cook for 5 minutes until they begin to soften, stirring frequently.

6. Add in vinegar and juice of 1 lime. Stir and let simmer and cook until peaches are soft and have released their juices to produce some sauce, about 10 minutes.

7. Add green onions, cook for one more minutes, and take off of the heat.

8. Serve peaches and sauce over fish and sprinkle with toasted pecans.

9. If making spinach, while sauce and peaches are cooking, place spinach, slightly damp, in a large pan with a lid. Turn to medium heat, stirring every few minutes. When spinach begins to wilt, add cheese and mix around. Cover and let finish wilting. Cheese should melt and spread.

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Eva Rosenberg

Eva Rosenberg

Welcome to Eva's Kitchen where I share my adventures in cooking. My creations may not always turn out Pinterest perfect, but I usually end up with a funny picture or an interesting meal. Thanks for stopping by!


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