Clear Water Cake (Sponge Cake) 清水蛋糕

Clear Water Cake (Sponge Cake) 清水蛋糕

With a name like “Clear Water”, it’s forgiveable if you thought I was referring to some Japanese facial product. 🙂 I came across this recipe atCook.Bake.Love – a beautiful name for a blog, I thought. I was so enchanted with what I saw … angelic little cakes which looked oh-so-twee. And if you know me, I can’t resist anything pretty and petite.

But why “Clear Water”? Well, there is no water in this cake at all. Instead, like water that is plain and pure, so is this cake. Nothing fancy, just simple goodness. And what these pillowy-soft babies promised, they sure delivered … a sheer delight to behold and almost a sacrilege to eat. Almost.

Their fluffy texture reminded me very much of those tissue-lined sponge cakes that I grew up eating as a kid. Do you remember those? 😉

(originally from here and seen at Cook.Bake.Love)

– 3 egg yolks 蛋黄
– 1 whole egg 全蛋
– 50g corn oil 粟米油

– 50g low protein flour (cake flour) 低粉(蛋糕粉)

– 3 egg whites 蛋白

– 50g castor sugar 细砂糖
– Dash of salt 盐

* Notes from The Little Teochew:
1. I used my vanilla sugar because I wanted a hint of vanilla in my cakes … people who do not like a strong, eggy smell should add 1/4 tsp vanilla extract;

2. I used Top Flour instead of Cake Flour;

3. I used regular canola oil in place of corn oil … any neutral-flavoured vegetable oil can be used;

4. I omitted the salt.

1) Beat (A) till well mixed with an egg beater. 用打蛋器打匀(A)。

2) Sift in (B), mix well. 筛入(B)拌匀。

3) Whisk (C) till frothy, add (D) and beat till stiff peaks. 把(C)打至粗泡加入(D)打至干性发泡。

4) Fold in the egg white mixture to egg yolk mixture in 3 additions, mix till well combined. Scoop the batter into paper cups till 60% full. 蛋白霜分3次和蛋黄糊拌匀,用小勺装进纸杯至6分满。

5) Bake in preheated oven at 150C for about 18-20mins. 烤箱预热150度,烤18-20分钟左右。

When the cakes cool down, they will shrink and pull away from the paper liners. I used muffin cups which are taller than cupcake holders, and I believe that was why my cakes “collapsed” upon cooling and ended up looking like chubby hourglasses! Hahaha! Nonetheless, I thought they looked rather cute. 😉

Finally, I just want to add that this cake is proof that you do not needovalette or leavening agents to achieve that soft, spongy texture. I hope you’ll all try this recipe some day. 🙂

PS: To a very special friend – who sent me these gorgeous toile serviettes and other beautiful gifts – merci beaucoup … j’adore. I await your return to blogworld. xoxo

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Eva Rosenberg

Eva Rosenberg

Welcome to Eva's Kitchen where I share my adventures in cooking. My creations may not always turn out Pinterest perfect, but I usually end up with a funny picture or an interesting meal. Thanks for stopping by!


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